2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'debt reduction planner'|Don’t Let Debt Weigh Down Your Retirement

About 'debt reduction planner'|Don’t Let Debt Weigh Down Your Retirement

The               word               is               that               we               are               heading               for               a               recession.

Even               those               that               insist               that               we               are               not               headed               for               a               recession               seem               to               feel               that               a               dramatic               slowdown               in               the               economy               is               inevitable.

And               a               recession               can               mean               trouble               for               your               personal               finances,               and               for               your               job.

But               there               are               some               things               you               can               do               now               to               prepare               yourself               for               a               recession.

Getting               your               personal               finances               ready               for               a               recession

Pay               down               debt.

If               you               can               manage               it,               pay               down               debt.

In               a               recession,               you               want               to               have               as               little               debt               as               possible.

Aggressive               debt               reduction               can               be               a               great               way               to               pay               down               a               great               deal               of               debt               in               a               short               time.

During               an               economic               slowdown,               it               is               important               to               be               as               financially               stable               as               possible,               and               having               a               lot               of               debt               is               a               hindrance               to               stability.

Set               money               aside.

If               you               already               have               an               emergency               fund,               consider               setting               more               money               aside               if               you               can.

Cut               back               on               unnecessary               expenditures               in               order               to               put               more               money               in               an               emergency               fund.

Build               up               gradually               now,               and               especially               when               you               are               doing               very               well,               and               it               will               be               there               later.

Thing               long-term               investments.

Many               people               are               tempted               to               completely               bail               on               the               stock               market               right               now.

That               may               not               be               the               best               plan.

Instead,               look               for               companies               with               good               fundamentals.

Many               blue-chip               companies               are               solid               and               likely               to               recover.

These               returns               aren't               "sexy,"               but               they               are               usually               solid.

You               have               to               think               long-term               and               realize               that               you               won't               make               any               money               now               in               the               stock               market.

But               with               careful               investing,               you               can               "buy               low"               now               and               "sell               high"               later.

Consider               consulting               a               financial               planner.

You               don't               have               to               do               it               alone.

Look               for               a               fee-based               (not               a               commission               based)               financial               planner               to               help               you               sort               things               out.

A               couple               hundred               dollars               now               can               help               you               get               on               track               for               a               much               brighter               future               --               and               help               you               prepare               your               personal               finances               for               a               recession.
               Keeping               your               job               during               a               recession
               It               is               important               to               take               steps               to               keep               your               job               during               an               economic               slowdown.

So,               forget               about               the               raise               and               consider               what               you               can               do               to               prove               your               worth               at               work.

Become               more               visible               in               a               good               way.

You               want               to               be               recognized               for               good               efforts,               especially               now.

Your               bosses               need               to               know               who               you               are,               and               why               you               are               valuable.

Go               beyond,               volunteering               for               extra               work               (but               make               sure               it               is               work               you               can               handle               and               do               a               good               job               with).

Make               solid               contributions               and               politely               make               sure               your               boss               notices               what               you               are               doing               for               the               company.

Suggest               cost-cutting               measures.

Use               your               creativity               to               come               up               with               practical               ways               to               cut               costs               and/or               increase               efficiency               at               work.

You               can               also               look               for               viable               revenue               streams               that               cost               little               to               nothing               to               get               started.

Now               is               definitely               not               the               time               for               grand               schemes               or               asking               for               a               raise.

It               is               time               to               show               your               resourcefulness               and               adaptability.

Boost               your               skills.

Take               a               training               class               or               seminar               (on               your               own               time               if               it               is               not               offered               at               work)               to               improve               your               skills.

You               want               to               stay               up-to-date               with               what's               happening               in               your               field.

You               also               want               to               remain               relevant.

Make               sure               that               you               have               the               necessary               skills               to               do               your               job               well.

Have               a               good               attitude.

Even               though               times               are               tough,               you               should               refrain               from               grumbling               about               it.

Morale-killers               are               often               let               go               long               before               those               with               good               attitudes.

Offer               constructive               ideas               for               improvement,               but               don't               whine               and               complain.

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