2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'debt charities'|MSE Charity – Up to £5K for debt advice projects

About 'debt charities'|MSE Charity – Up to £5K for debt advice projects

Earth               Day               is               coming.

Earth               Day               is               a               special               holiday               set               aside               to               remind               us               to               be               good               to               the               planet               that               sustains               our               lives.

While               we               should               be               mindful               of               our               responsibilities               to               the               Earth               all               year,               we               should               do               something               a               little               extra               special               for               Earth               Day.

We               should               also               use               the               day               to               remind               ourselves               why               the               Earth               is               important               and               to               make               a               commitment               to               doing               better               for               our               planet               for               the               rest               of               the               year,               sort               of               like               specialized               New               Year's               resolutions               for               the               Earth.

One               of               the               best               ways               to               get               into               the               spirit               of               Earth               Day               and               do               something               extra               special               for               the               Earth               is               to               donate               money               to               an               environmental               charity               or               help               the               charity's               cause               in               some               other               important               way.

This               is               a               list               of               five               charities               that               care               for               the               Earth               in               five               different               ways               year-round.

Each               one               could               use               your               help               to               carry               on               its               mission.

Pick               one               (or               more)               of               these               and               celebrate               Earth               Day               with               a               gift               to               the               Earth!
               Nature               Conservancy
               The               Nature               Conservancy               is               an               organization               dedicated               to               protecting               the               natural               environment               worldwide.

Naturally,               the               Nature               Conservancy               purchases               and               personally               protects               important               land               parcels.

The               organization               also               lobbies               governments               on               behalf               of               the               environment,               seeking               legislation               that               helps               the               environment.

In               addition,               the               Nature               Conservancy               builds               partnerships               with               governments,               businesses,               institutions,               and               local               populations               to               work               together               on               solutions               which               are               mutually               beneficial               to               the               people               and               the               environment.
               The               Nature               Conservancy               sponsors               many               projects,               both               on               its               own               and               in               partnerships               with               other               entities.

These               projects               include               various               initiatives               to               protect               natural               environments               and               to               rebuild               damaged               and               destroyed               environments.

The               projects               cover               the               entire               globe,               caring               for               the               land,               the               water,               and               the               air.

They               restore               coral               reefs               and               forests,               study               and               protect               specific               populations               of               endangered               animals               and               plants,               broker               "debt               for               nature"               swaps               in               which               a               country's               debt               is               paid               or               forgiven               now               in               exchange               for               specific               environmental               action               or               caretaking               by               that               government,               help               natural               areas               and               wildlife               adapt               to               climate               and               ecological               changes               that               are               occurring,               and               teach               poor               people               ecologically               sustainable               ways               to               earn               a               living               while               protecting               the               environment.
               All               of               the               Nature               Conservancy's               projects               are               based               in               science.

The               organization               keeps               many               excellent               scientists               on               staff.

The               role               of               these               staff               scientists               is               to               research               the               issues               and               concoct               sound               solutions               that               will               actually               work.
               The               Nature               Conservancy               operates               on               a               cooperative               philosophy,               preferring               to               broker               solutions               that               benefit               everyone               on               all               sides               instead               of               fighting               hostile               adversaries               for               an               uncompromising               agenda.
               You               can               help               the               cause               by               becoming               a               member               or               renewing               your               membership,               or               simply               giving               either               a               one-time               or               a               recurring               monthly               gift.

You               can               also               adopt               an               acre               of               sensitive               land               in               need               of               conservation,               such               as               a               piece               of               the               rainforest               or               a               bit               of               African               savannah.

Alternatively,               you               can               adopt               a               coral               reef.

Through               the               "Plant               a               Billion               Trees"               program,               you               can               plant               a               tree               for               $1               (or               as               many               trees               as               you               like               for               $1               each).
               For               Earth               Day,               I               especially               recommend               planting               a               tree               or               adopting               an               acre               as               a               symbol               of               your               desire               to               care               for               the               Earth.
               Earth               Island               Institute
               Earth               Island               Institute               is               an               umbrella               organization               that               provides               basic               structure               and               administrative               support               to               environmental               projects.

Large               non-profit               organizations               suffer               from               the               same               inability               to               change               gears               and               reposition               in               response               to               changing               needs               as               large               for-profit               corporations               do.

Meanwhile,               starting               up               lots               of               small               grassroots               organizations               to               handle               each               individual               issue               is               difficult               and               inefficient.

New               organizations               have               to               lay               certain               groundwork,               get               certified               as               a               non-profit,               create               administration,               and               so               forth.

Earth               Island               Institute               cuts               through               all               that               by               simply               serving               as               the               administration               for               each               worthy               grassroots               cause.

Each               project               is               a               separate               organization               dedicated               to               a               specific               cause.

However,               all               the               projects               share               certain               costs               of               administration               and               organization,               which               eliminates               waste               and               permits               more               donated               money               to               fight               for               the               purpose               of               the               project.
               Projects               also               have               an               easier               time               getting               organized               and               getting               going,               which               means               that               Earth               Island               Institute               is               usually               one               of               the               first               organizations               to               respond               to               an               environmental               disaster,               such               as               the               BP               oil               fiasco.
               In               addition               to               serving               as               a               backbone,               Earth               Island               Institute               helps               to               unify               the               projects               and               help               them               work               together,               which               often               produces               some               synergy               that               makes               its               projects               more               effective.

Projects               share               a               lot               of               ideas               between               them.
               Earth               Island               Institute               also               produces               a               leading               environmental               magazine.
               You               can               help               the               Institute               by               joining               or               renewing               your               membership.

You               can               also               make               a               direct               donation               as               either               a               single               gift               or               a               recurring               gift               to               the               umbrella               organization               that               will               help               wherever               it               is               needed               most.

Alternatively,               you               can               choose               a               specific               project               and               make               a               direct               donation               to               that               project,               either               one               time               or               monthly.

Furthermore,               Earth               Island               Institute               has               internships               and               volunteer               positions               for               everyday               citizens,               even               people               without               special               qualifications,               that               do               actually               interesting               things               (much               more               interesting               than               simply               canvassing               or               telemarketing               to               ask               for               money).
               For               Earth               Day,               I               suggest               you               pick               a               project               that               is               trying               to               achieve               something               for               the               Earth               that               is               personally               important               to               you,               and               donate               money               directly.

Alternatively,               put               money               in               the               bank               on               Mother               Earth's               behalf               to               help               ward               off               the               next               disaster               by               donating               to               the               main               organization.
               The               Environmental               Defense               Fund
               The               Environmental               Defense               Fund               is               most               famous               for               its               legal               work.

In               the               early               days               of               the               organization,               the               unofficial               slogan               was,               "Sue               the               bastards!"               Through               lawsuits,               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund               has               forced               the               nation               to               step               up               and               adopt               more               environmentally               conscious               practices.
               The               Environmental               Defense               Fund               still               goes               to               court               whenever               necessary.

There               are               times               when               there               is               no               other               way,               and               they               are               the               best               at               litigating               for               the               environment.

These               days,               however,               they               do               prefer               to               try               more               cooperative               solutions               whenever               possible.

They               forge               alliances               with               governments,               businesses,               landowners,               or               anyone               else               who               has               a               stake               in               the               issues               at               hand               and               is               willing               to               work               with               them.

They               also               work               with               lawmakers               to               create,               sponsor,               and               pass               environmental               laws.
               The               Environmental               Defense               Fund               believes               in               market-based               environmental               policies.

In               the               critical               arena               of               carbon               emissions,               for               example,               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund               advocates               carbon               cap               legislation               that               sets               strict               limits               but               allows               free               market               trading               of               carbon               credits               with               free               market               prices               and               full               participation               by               everyone.

The               Environmental               Defense               Fund               not               only               keeps               a               staff               of               economists,               but               claims               to               have               the               largest               staff               of               economists               of               all               environmental               non-profit               organizations.
               Sound               science               leads               all               of               Environmental               Defense               Fund's               policies,               activities,               and               goals.

In               fact,               a               group               of               scientists               founded               Environmental               Defense               Fund               in               the               first               place,               so               science               has               always               been               at               the               core               of               the               organization.

Today,               Environmental               Defense               Fund               boasts               that               they               have               more               scientists               on               staff               than               any               other               similar               environmental               organization.
               You               can               help               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund               with               a               donation,               either               one               time               or               recurring.

You               can               become               a               member               by               making               a               donation               of               $25               or               more.

You               can               help               in               an               even               more               important               way,               however,               by               taking               part               in               online               activism               by               signing               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund's               online               petitions.

You               can               find               these               petitions               by               checking               out               the               action               alerts               on               the               website.

Even               better,               you               can               stay               informed               by               signing               up               to               receive               the               latest               action               alerts               in               your               email               box               and/or               by               connecting               to               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund               on               Facebook               and/or               Twitter.
               For               Earth               Day,               I               suggest               you               sign               a               few               petitions               now               and               then               make               a               long-term               commitment               by               "liking"               the               Environmental               Defense               Fund               on               Facebook,               following               them               on               Twitter,               or               signing               up               for               the               email               list.
               The               Sierra               Club
               The               Sierra               Club               is               one               of               the               most               respected               environmental               organizations               in               the               entire               world.

Club               members               have               joined               together               since               1892               to               promote               a               safe               and               healthy               place               to               live               in               and               an               enduring               legacy               of               America's               wild               places.

The               Sierra               Club's               three               foundational               goals               are               to               protect               communities,               wild               places,               and               the               planet               itself.
               The               Sierra               Club               promotes               getting               people               personally               involved               with               nature               by               getting               people               outside.
               The               Sierra               Club               is               famous               for               its               outings,               environmental               trips,               and               volunteer               vacations.

The               outings               are               local               group               daytrips               focusing               on               outdoor               fun,               local               conservation,               or               environmental               education,               featuring               a               wide               range               of               activities               such               as               bird               watching               or               hiking.

Local               outings               are               generally               free,               unless               they               require               incidental               expenses               such               as               parking               or               entrance               fees.

The               environmental               trips               are               longer               vacations               providing               an               organized               tour,               often               involving               significant               hiking               or               other               physical               activities.

Volunteer               vacations               are               working               trips               where               a               group               goes               to               an               area               in               need               and               performs               some               service               or               completes               some               project.

In               addition               to               these               organized               trips,               the               Sierra               Club               also               operates               several               lodges               where               members               can               visit               any               time.
               The               Sierra               Club               is               particularly               famous               for               its               outstanding               magazine.
               Politically,               The               Sierra               Club               is               active               in               many               environmental               issues.

The               Club's               priorities               belong               to               issues               that               promote               safe               and               healthy               environments,               at               all               levels               from               locally               to               worldwide.

As               an               American               organization,               they               do               tend               to               focus               particularly               on               American               environments               and               American               communities.

The               Sierra               Club               is               especially               eternally               committed               to               safeguarding               communities               from               environmental               hazards               such               as               erosion               and               environmental               disasters               such               as               wildfires.

Currently,               the               "hot"               issues               for               the               Sierra               Club               include               reducing               our               dependence               on               oil               and               coal,               transitioning               to               cleaner               energy,               finding               cleaner               and               greener               transportation               alternatives,               protecting               wildlife               habitats,               and               fighting               global               warming.

The               Club               is               also               involved               in               fighting               for               clean               water.

Importantly,               the               Club               is               still               working               on               the               BP               oil               disaster,               even               now               that               public               attention               is               slowly               turning               elsewhere.
               You               can               help               the               Club               by               joining               or               renewing               your               membership.

You               can               also               make               a               direct               donation               as               a               one-time               gift.

More               importantly,               you               can               get               involved,               with               or               without               a               membership,               by               joining               Club-sponsored               outings               in               your               area.
               For               Earth               Day,               I               suggest               you               pick               a               local               outing               on               or               near               Earth               Day               and               get               out               and               enjoy               nature               with               your               fellow               lovers               of               the               Great               Outdoors.

Then,               commit               to               more               outings               throughout               the               year.
               Rainforest               Alliance
               Rainforest               Alliance               exists               to               protect               the               rainforests.

Rainforests               are               critical               to               the               survival               of               the               planet               and               host               the               greatest               biodiversity               of               both               plants               and               animals               in               one               region               on               Earth.

Despite               the               incalculable               value               of               the               rainforests,               however,               people               are               destroying               these               precious               areas               at               an               alarming               rate.

Rainforest               Alliance               steps               up               to               counter               this               destruction.
               Rainforest               Alliance               promotes               sustainable               agriculture,               forestry,               and               tourism.

The               organization               does               this               by               certifying               products               and               services               that               meet               very               stringent               standards               of               sustainability               and               responsibility,               including               environmental               protection,               social               equity,               recycling,               and               wildlife               conservation.

Furthermore,               Rainforest               Alliance               helps               farmers,               loggers,               and               tourism               businesses               reach               the               good               practices               that               will               earn               them               this               certification.

Rainforest               Alliance               provides               live               training               in               classes               and               workshops,               gives               out               training               materials,               and               offers               diagnostic               visits               and               other               personalized               help.

Rainforest               Alliance               also               actively               recruits               retail               businesses               interested               in               sourcing               certified               supplies               to               purchase               certified               products.

In               addition,               Rainforest               Alliance               educates               consumers               about               the               meaning               and               value               of               its               certification,               and               urges               consumers               to               look               for               the               signature               green               frog               seal               on               products               and               travel               services.

As               a               result               of               this               concerted               effort,               the               certification               seal               is               both               prestigious               and               profitable.

The               green               frog               means               sustainable               goods               that               are               respectful               of               and               friendly               to               the               rainforest.
               You               can               help               the               Alliance               with               a               donation,               either               one               time               or               recurring.

You               can               help               in               an               even               more               important               way,               however,               by               purchasing               certified               products               marked               with               the               green               frog.

Each               purchase               encourages               more               businesses               to               want               to               get               certified               so               they               can               earn               your               green               business,               too.

Green               your               home               and               office               with               food               and               other               groceries               and               wood-based               products               from               tissues               to               furniture.

You               can               find               a               list               of               certified               products               on               the               website,               or               you               can               just               go               shopping               and               hope               to               find               the               green               frog               on               one               of               the               choices               at               your               local               store               or               online               shop.
               For               Earth               Day,               I               suggest               you               purchase               a               bunch               of               green               frog               bananas,               juice,               coffee,               or               some               other               green               frog               food               or               drink.

Then,               going               forward,               make               a               commitment               to               purchase               green               frog               products               regularly.

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