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About 'debt elimination programs'|Benefiting from a Debt Settlement Program

About 'debt elimination programs'|Benefiting from a Debt Settlement Program

With               the               average               U.S.

household               owing               more               than               $10,000               in               credit               card               debt,               it's               no               surprise               that               millions               of               consumers               are               turning               to               debt               management               companies               or               debt               settlement               firms               to               become               debt               free.

However,               there               are               enormous               differences               between               these               two               types               of               organizations.

A               good               debt               management               company               offers               free               or               low               cost               services,               can               help               you               preserve               your               credit               rating,               and               will               teach               you               to               organize               your               finances               and               budget               properly.

It               will               also               successfully               negotiate               with               your               creditors               to               give               you               financial               relief.

By               contrast,               even               with               the               "best"               debt               management               companies,               consumers               pay               high               fees,               wind               up               with               serious               blemishes               on               their               credit               files,               and               receive               little               to               no               financial               education.

Additionally,               while               many               debt               management               firms               "guarantee"               their               work,               in               reality               they               have               no               way               to               ensure               that               their               questionable               techniques               and               unorthodox               negotiating               methods               will               be               effective.

Read               on               to               discover               the               downside               to               using               the               services               of               debt               settlement               companies               -               and               why               using               a               debt               management               company               is               far               more               advantageous.
               The               Hit               to               Your               Credit               Scores
               The               primary               problem               with               debt               settlement               companies               is               that               they               typically               advise               you               to               stop               paying               your               bills               for               a               few               months               -               sometimes               for               six               months               or               more.

At               the               end               of               that               period,               the               debt               settlement               company               goes               to               your               creditors               and               tries               to               negotiate               settlements               on               your               behalf.

The               logic               used               by               debt               settlement               firms               is               simple:               They               figure               that               after               a               few               months               of               not               getting               paid,               your               creditors               will               be               so               eager               to               receive               some               money               (instead               of               no               money)               that               these               creditors               will               gladly               settle               your               debts               for               pennies               on               the               dollar.
               If               only               it               were               that               easy.
               The               problem               with               this               is               strategy               is               two-fold.

First,               you               wind               up               with               serious               black               marks               on               your               credit               reports               and               you               decimate               your               FICO               credit               scores.

After               all,               just               one               late               payment               can               drop               your               FICO               credit               score               by               50               points               or               more.

Imagine               the               damage               done               by               being               three               to               six               months               late               on               multiple               accounts.
               Plus,               when               debt               settlement               is               "successful,"               your               creditors               agree               to               accept               less               than               the               full               amounts               owed               (even               though               they               will               consider               the               balance               as               paid).

The               creditors               often               then               report               to               Equifax,               Experian               and               TransUnion               that               your               account               was               "Settled"               or               "Paid               by               Settlement"               -               which               also               tarnishes               your               credit               records.
               Does               Debt               Settlement               Work               -               Or               Backfire?
               Additionally,               there               is               no               assurance               that               the               methods               used               by               debt               settlement               firms               will               work.

Instead               of               caving               in               to               a               debt               settlement               company's               demands               to               let               you               pay,               say,               $30               for               every               $100               you               actually               owed,               creditors               may               just               decide               to               sue               you,               get               a               judgment               against               you,               or               garnish               your               wages.
               The               Better               Method               -               Education               and               Reasonable               Negotiations
               Rather               than               use               a               debt               settlement               company,               a               better               strategy               is               to               first               try               to               negotiate               directly               with               your               creditors.

If               your               efforts               fail,               and               you               can't               keep               up               with               your               bills,               then               it's               time               to               enlist               the               help               of               a               credit               counseling               agency/debt               management               firm.

A               good               non-profit,               HUD-certified               credit               counseling               agency               is               the               National               Foundation               for               Debt               Management               (www.NFDM.org).
               Debt               management               programs               typically               take               three               to               five               years               to               complete;               most               debt               settlement               programs               usually               take               two               to               four               years.

Fortunately,               enrolling               in               a               debt               management               program,               also               known               as               a               DMP,               shouldn't               backfire               on               you               -               as               long               as               you               continue               to               pay               your               bills               on               time.

When               you               enroll               in               a               debt               management               program,               your               credit               files               do               include               a               notation               that               you               are               participating               in               a               DMP.

However,               taking               part               in               a               debt               management               program               does               not               adversely               impact               your               credit               rating,               nor               is               it               a               factor               in               how               your               FICO               score               is               calculated,               according               to               executives               from               Fair               Isaac               Corp.,               the               creator               of               the               FICO               score.

Your               credit               rating               also               doesn't               suffer               because               you               are               paying               back               everything               you               owed               in               a               typical               debt               management               program.

The               cost               savings               come               primarily               from               having               late               fees               eliminated,               and               interest               rates               lowered               -               two               key               factors               in               helping               you               become               debt               free               fast.
               Don't               Forget               About               Debt               Settlement               Fees               ....

And               That               Big               Tax               Bill
               Obviously,               costs               vary               for               debt               elimination               programs.

But               $25               a               month               is               a               common               monthly               fee               for               many               debt               management               programs.

Most               debt               settlement               companies               charge               you               in               one               of               two               ways:
               a               flat               fee,               which               often               runs               $1,000               or               more,               and               is               based               on               how               much               money               the               debt               settlement               "saves"               you               by               negotiating               with               your               creditors               a               percentage               fee,               with               fees               of               15               to               20%               of               your               total               debt               being               typical                              So               for               those               with               $10,000               in               debt,               fees               would               run               about               $1,500               to               $2000               for               a               3-year               debt               settlement               program,               compared               with               about               $900               in               fees               for               a               typical               3-year               debt               management               plan                                             Why               Pay               Thousands               When               You               Are               Already               Thousands               of               Dollars               in               Debt?
               Besides               the               fees               cited               above,               it's               not               uncommon               for               debt               settlement               firms               to               impose               added               monthly               charges               on               their               clients.

These               fees               can               be               as               low               as               $20               a               month               or               as               high               $90               or               $100               a               month,               depending               on               the               company               in               question.

Over               time,               therefore,               consumers               shell               out               several               thousand               dollars               -               on               top               of               the               initial               fees               charged               -               when               they               opt               to               go               with               a               debt               settlement               firm.
               The               IRS's               Viewpoint               on               Debt               Settlement
               If               you               enter               into               a               debt               settlement               plan,               one               final               hazard               to               be               aware               of               is               that               you               will               have               to               pay               taxes               on               the               amount               of               money               you               saved.

For               instance,               if               your               debt               was               $10,000               and               the               settlement               plan               says               you               only               have               to               pay               $3,000,               you               will               be               required               to               pay               taxes               on               the               $7,000               you               saved.

If               you               are               in               the               25%               tax               bracket,               you'll               have               to               fork               over               $1,750               to               the               IRS,               because               the               government               deems               your               $7,000               in               savings               as               income.
               Clearly,               there               are               many               pitfalls               associated               with               debt               settlement               programs.

As               a               result,               most               consumers               battling               credit               card               debt               would               be               far               better               off               seeking               out               the               help               and               services               of               a               reputable               debt               management               firm.

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debt elimination programs

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