Okay, all debating aside ... Planned Parenthood is being sought out by the California Government for fraud. That's right - fraud. But, is this really a big surprise to anyone? I read an article by Lifenews.com, not the most non-biased source, about how Planned Parenthood's ex-finance guy came forward to tell the government of California how Planned Parenthood bought cheap birth control and then charged the state much, much more than it should have through Medi-Cal. My first thought is: don't get your birth control from Planned Parenthood - you may just end up pregnant or getting someone pregnant. It's worth the idea that abstinence saves all or use of your own money to get good, useful birth control. What is very interesting about the cheapness of their birth control is that for years ex-employees have been warning the public, to the best of their ability, that Planned Parenthood's birth control was NOT reliable. The famed Carol Everett even explained how her abortion clinic worked: seeking out middle school girls, giving them low dose birth control, knowing the chances of them taking it once a day, the same time every day, were quite slim. She would become their friend - girls weren't going to their parents. Then when the girls got pregnant who did they go to? Carol, who would kindly recommend that an abortion would save them. Alright, so a little nibble at a debate there. My question here is: How far will the pro choice and liberal movement go this time to protect their dear Planned Parenthood? Will they try to conjure up feelings of "Poor Planned Parenthood. They needed that money. So many people use their services." Or will it be the same old defense they use every time they're dragged into court? Is it worth defending a company when they have literally taken millions from residential tax payers in California? Well, if you plan on defending Planned Parenthood I wouldn't be visiting Los Angeles anytime soon. These people have already been trying to pull the State out of debt and if you tried to defend a company that was responsible for a good portion of that debt, I don't think you'll be liked by the citizens, or forgiven by them anytime soon. After all, they are the ones having to pay this bill - not you. There is one thing these people could bring up. The California state reward for bringing forward any fraud that has been committed against the state. Seeing as Gonzalez was fired for being a whistleblower though, should give him enough merit. After all, as a whistleblower he was trying, in essence as an employee of PP, to save the company this kind of trouble. The sad fact here is that, through an LA Times online article, statements, said coming from the Department of Health, were made stating that Planned Parenthood shouldn't have to pay the state of California back. Some government officials in California fell for the guilt trip by instating laws allowing Planned Parenthood to over bill the state, believing that the company would be imperil if they didn't receive the extra money. However, not everyone in California uses Planned Parenthood and other public and private clinics that have to go through the same process for billing when purchasing birth control at a discount got reimbursed less by the State and they are still in business. So the question here is why would Planned Parenthood go out of business if they didn't get that extra million or so every year? Is it the cost of their rent? Are the carpets not good enough in the waiting room? What exactly did they need that extra million for? Renovation? If you can figure out how they're going to canoodle their way out of this one, after audits and such, let me know. |
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